Basaglia itineraries is a project aimed at offering tourists reception services and study visits to Trieste and Gorizia for people interested in the deinstitutionalization process, in Mental Health, the Basaglia Revolution, innovative recovery paths, and the social enterprises' strategies towards the job placement of disadvantaged people.

Our services
- Administration and organizing office for school trips and job training
- Room and board in the Hotel and Restaurants directly managed by our Social Cooperative La Collina, and by the other local social partners.
- Didactic workshops and training designed for schools on Basaglia Revolution, social enterprises and not for profit through learning by doing and hands on experience, meetings with those involved at the time of the Basaglia Revolution, including visits to the places where everything started.
- educational and cultural tourism, guided tours of Triest’s and Gorizia’s former psychiatric hospitals.
- Organizational office for professionals and foreign students
- Translation support service (English)
- Room and board in the Hotels and Restaurants, directly managed by our Social Cooperative La Collina, and by the other local social partners.
- Workshops and training designed for students and professionals in not for profit agencies, as well as work exchange.
- educational and cultural tourism, guided tours of Triest’s and Gorizia’s former psychiatric hospitals.
- Organizational office in multiple languages for seminars, institutional meetings, conferences, study visits, workshops and training about mental health and Basaglia revolution
- Translation support service (English)
- Room and board in the Hotels and Restaurants, directly managed by our Social Cooperative La Collina, and by the other local social partners.
- Workshops and training designed for students and professionals in no profit agencies, as well as work exchange.
- educational and cultural tourism, guided tours of Triest’s and Gorizia’s former psychiatric hospitals.